Don’t Resist

Today : Don’t Resist

“Must you forever resist the Holy Spirit?” Acts 7:51 (NLT)

It is a sad reality. As much as God loves us and as much as we know we need God in our life we so often live as if God wasn’t even in the equation. A conviction comes and we ignore it. An impulse to do the right thing and we self sabotage. If we are not careful we too will be guilty of resisting the Holy Spirit. So what can we do? We need to repent and then we need to reprioritize. We can begin to make time for reading the scriptures. The Holy Spirit will speak to us through its pages. We can devekop a practice to pray about those things that are on our mind. In prayer the Holy Spirit will guide us and commune with our heart. We can set aside time for quietness and in the few moments we spend, the Holy Spirit will whisper assurances of His love and comfort to our heart. Our Holy God’s Spirit resides in us. Let us rejoice in this fact and humble our hearts to love and obey Him.

Dear Father, forgive me for the times I have resisted Your Spirit’s voice. The times I have stubbornly gone my own way. I repent. Help me to renew Your fellowship. Help me to receive Your comfort and hear Your voice of reason and instruction. Might I live for You I pray. In Jesus’ name.

I obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit
It is easy to wander far from God. Today, visualize yourself coming back to Him. Sense the presence of the Holy Spirit and welcome it. See yourself full of joy and peace as you fellowship with the Holy Spirit and its leadings. See yourself devout, living with the fruit of the Spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, in your life. Say each fruit of the Spirit out loud and as you do, cry out, “Lord I want it, I want more of it.”

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