Today : Encourage Others
“Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.” Proverbs 12:25 (NLT)
Every day is full of choices. Over and over again we find ourselves at a fork in the road. Choices between faith or doubt; forgiveness or anger; right or wrong; yes or no; worry or trust. For many worry is their daily choice. Whether it is financial, relational or situational, they have dug themselves into a pit and can’t seem to get out. Life is lonely in the pit. Every day they try to get out but no one stops to help. That is what God has called you and I to do. Today’s passage says, “Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.” You and I have been charged to be an encourager. We too find ourselves at a fork in the road. We can ignore someone else’s pain or we can help them. We can stay busy minding our own business or we can stop to comfort someone else. We can judge, blame, condemn others for getting themselves in a mess or we can extend a hand. We can go our own way or we can encourage them both in word and action. Today commit yourself to be an encourager. Ask God to bring someone into your life you can minister to. As God has encouraged you, might you encourage others.
Father, help me to encourage other people. Help me to be kind, considerate and to treat others in the way I want to be treated. Today might I speak Your grace and love into other people that they may truly find the encouragement that they need.
I will encourage others
Today visualize yourself helping those that come you way. See yourself encouraging them. Feel their relief as you empathize and listen to their situation. Sense God’s pleasure as you share His love with those who need your support.