What Really Matters

Today : What Really Matters

“For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Romans 17:14 (NLT)

It is so easy to get our priorities mixed up isn’t it? We tend to put life into a box full of rules, regulations and standards by which to measure ourself. We must look a certain way, think a certain way, achieve certain levels of accomplishments, acquire the right kind of accessories. Then we come up with all sorts of core beliefs that sustain these rules. For example, we may believe, deep in our heart, that if we don’t accomplish a certain goal, we will not be liked. If we don’t drive the right kind of car or live in the right kind of community, people will think little of us. Of course, these thoughts alone don’t motivate us, it is the perceived “terrible” consequences such as rejection, abandonment, punishment or worst, annihilation that frightens us to death and drives us to succeed at any cost. The fact is, these “terrible” results are only in our mind! We will not die if certain people do not like us. We are not a “loser” that will be totally annihilated if we do not live in the “right” house. Instead, Paul points out what we should really strive for. We should strive to live a good righteous life. We should seek joy and peace through the Holy Spirit. These are the important things in life. And best of all, these are freely given to any person who asks. When we come to God seeking these very things, He will not turn us away. It is His will that you live righteously, full of peace and joy through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. What do you want? Begin today to seek the things that really matter. Follow God, He will not disappoint.

Father, You know what is really important. You know that I have bought so many lies about success and self worth. I need Your help to know the truth. So, please Lord, help me live a life of goodness today. Please give me what really matters, that is joy and peace which comes from Your Holy Spirit. Help me live today in a way that is pleasing to you.

I get joy and peace from living for God
Picture yourself pushing a large car uphill. Feel your muscles strain and sense fatigue and desperation coming upon you. See this as trying to find your own peace in joy by jumping through everyone else’s hoops. Now hop in the automobile with it pointing down hill. Put it in neutral and see how effortless it moves by itself. See this as living for God and enjoying His peace and joy. Today choose to live for God. See it in your mind. Sense the peace and joy in your body that comes from following God.

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