The Real Me

Today : The Real Me

“But be careful. Don’t let your heart be deceived so that you turn away from the Lord” Deuteronomy 11:16 (NLT)

Self deception is at the root of many of our problems. Not only do we lie to all those around us, but more often we lie to ourselves. How often do we mask what is really bothering us? We pretend to love when we are bitter and wounded. We act brave when we are afraid. Dr. David Benner, in his book, “The Gift of Being Yourself” writes,  “At some point in childhood we all make the powerful discovery that we can manipulate the truth about ourselves. Initially it often takes the form of a simple lie – frequently a denial of having done something. But of more importance to the development of the false self is the discovery that our ability to hide isn’t limited to what we say or don’t say. We learn to pretend. We discover the art of packaging our self. – Our masks have become our reality, and we have become our lies. In short, we have lost authenticity and adopted an identity based on illusion.” You see God loves the real you! He knows your fears, your rage, your brokenness and He is waiting for you to give it to Him. There is nothing about the real you He cannot redeem! It is only when you let your heart be deceived and create a false self that you turn away from the Lord. Today, come to God as you are. Let Him touch the real you. Tell Him what you feel, what your think, what you have hidden from everyone else. When you do, you will find Him accepting, loving and able to set you free from all your fears of self exposure. Come to Him, the truth will set you free.

Father, I have hidden my true self from You and everyone one else. Fear, shame, anger, guilt, disgust – so many emotions keep me from living the truth. I have tried so hard to be what everyone else has wanted and somewhere I have lost my way. Please, in Your love, gently peal back my veneer and bring me into Your light. Help me take off my masks and see myself as You see me. Help me embrace all of me as You lovingly embrace me even now. In Jesus’ name.

By grace, I can come to God just as I am
Picture yourself waiting to come before God. Almighty God, who knows all things, who judges all things is going to see you. How could we ever stand before Him. Sense your hesitancy, your panic as you anticipate standing before the infinite one. But then you see a robe. Your are given it to where. The Robe has GRACE embroidered on it’s back. GRACE. You are relieved. You realize that God has chosen to love you. His grace has forgiven you and He bids you to come to Him. You take Him at His word and You enter His presence with joy. And He is joyfully waiting. Affirm, “By grace, I can come to God just as I am.”

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