False God

Today : False God

“You will not surely die,’ the serpent said to the woman. ‘For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:4-5 (NIV)

Every since Adam and Eve, mankind has been tempted to think that they could become a “god”. However, David Benner in his book, “The Gift Of Being Yourself” makes a very interesting observation. He points out that in the Garden of Eden, it was not the act of trying to be like God that was a sin, it was the act of thinking they could be like God, without God. Yes we are commanded to be like Christ. We are to emulate the characteristics of God such as love, mercy and justice. But we are never told that we can do that without the help of God and His Holy Spirit. David Benner writes, “Adam and Eve wanted to be God without God, likeness that was based on independence rather than surrender. – What we get when we choose a way of being that is separate from God is the life of the false self. – The false self is the tragic result of trying to steal something from God that we did not have to steal. Had we dared to trust God’s goodness, we would have discovered that everything we could ever most deeply long for would be ours in God. Trying to gain more than the everything God offers, we end up with less than nothing. Rejecting God, we end up with a nest of lies and illusions. Displacing God, we become a god unto our self. We become a false self.” I am so glad Jesus came. He said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” He came so we could know God. It is His truth, His life that enables us to be more like Him. Today, examine yourself. Are you following Christ and letting Him influence who you are, or are you busy creating your own life apart from God?

Father, forgive me for all the times I have tried to set myself us as my own God. Today, I ask You to speak to my heart and help me get back on track with You. Guide me in everything I do so I will become the kind of person You want me to be. In Jesus’ name.

I am valued by God
Picture you value and goodness in a sealed bottle. You are exactly what God wants you to be. He has created you, saved you and leads you daily by His Holy Spirit. He loves you unconditionally. But then envision where others have tried to give you a bottle that is empty of value. You see it and feel you need to perform, to connive, to do whatever it takes to refill the bottle with value. But nothing you do is enough. Everyday you wake up the bottle is empty again. Now picture Jesus taking the broken bottle and giving you back your original bottle that was stolen. You see God’s bottle and it is full. See how your worth and value is all full just the way God created you. Now you can affirm. “I am valued by God.”