Bear Each Other’s Burdens

Today : Bear Each Other’s Burdens

“Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 (NASB) 

If I was asked to describe Christianity using only one word, I would choose the word, “love”. John tells us that God is love. It is His love that makes mercy and grace possible. Is it no wonder then, if we are really going to fulfill what Christ wants us to do, we must bear each other’s burdens? Bearing a burden means to take that burden on as if it was your own. We are called to help the wounded, love the hurting and to do whatever it takes to help those that are overburdened. If we don’t, who will? Who else is called to do this? It is this love of Christ, lived out by us in community, that is the mark of true Christianity. And if community is going to work, then each of us must prefer others to ourselves. We must put the needs of others above ourself. Jesus set the example. His whole life exemplified sacrificial love. So must ours. Today, ask God to help you sense when someone needs help. Ask Him to help you bear their burden.  

Father, I am so grateful that You have borne every one of my burdens. Give me a heart like yours and the filling of Your Spirit so I might love in the way You have loved me.

I help others with their burdens
Imagine yourself as the Good Samaritan. You are walking down the road and come to someone in desperate need. Sense his pain. Feel empathy and God’s love deep in your heart. Visualize God assisting you in helping the person. Sense God’s pleasure. Affirm, “I help others with their burdens.”

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