Today : I Will Not Fear
“The LORD is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalms 27:1 (NIV)
Sometimes we just need to answer the questions. It may seem that the answers should be obvious. “Who should I fear?” It should be rhetorical, but so often our eyes are blinded to the truth. I remember seeing a little boy who thought he was lost, start screaming. He cried hysterically and yet his father was only a few feet away. Thinking he was alone the little child was overcome with the fear of abandonment. Because of his fear he cried hysterically, so much so that he could not see his father right in front of him. It wasn’t until the dad picked him up and hugged him for a few moments that the boy took comfort in his father’s arms. Fear is like that. When we fear, it blocks out all other reality. God is with us, He is our light and salvation, and yet we act as if we are lost in utter darkness. We are in the stronghold of God’s love and yet fear blinds us from the reality of our salvation. Is this your reality? What is it that you fear? Rebuke it right now. Look into the eyes of Jesus, let His light penetrate your mind and heart. Let Him be your stronghold. Arise and walk in peace.
Dear Father, I admit that I let my emotions overwhelm me. I do not allow myself to fully understand what it means that You are my light, salvation and stronghold. Forgive me Lord. I want Your peace. I want Your joy. I want to know You more fully. Even today let me experience Your presence in my life. I ask You to make me fully aware of Your love and power. In Jesus’ name.
I will not fear
Fear is a mighty emotion. Today see yourself in fear. Picture you coming to God with it and asking for His peace and joy. Sense His strength, His power and His desire to help you. As you give Him your fear, you can feel His presence and peace come over you. With confidence you affirm, “I will not fear!”