Today : Surrender
“Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires. Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God.” Romans 6:12-13 (NLT)
Sometimes we emphasize the wrong thing. We try to stop the darkness instead of turning on the light. We punish negative behavior and never reward what is done right. We save our money so tightly that we don’t spend money on great opportunities that come our way. It seems that Paul was going to do the same thing. He writes, “Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires. Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin.” Now how hard is that? How joyful will that experience be? Don’t get me wrong, Paul is completely right! We must watch sin in our life. We dare not get loose with our life and live out sinful whims. But there is a better way. Paul finishes his thoughts by saying, “Instead, give yourselves completely to God.” How much better is that? There is real wisdom here, a real balance. If we give our self completely to God, will He not help us with the sin issue? Won’t the Holy Spirit guide us and direct us toward a righteous life? It is like the old saying, “Love God and do as you please.” If we truly love God we will only do what honors Him. So today, let’s combat sin in our life in a different way. Let’s resist sin by giving our self and everything we do and think today, completely to God.
Father, I come to You today and completely surrender to Your control. Guide me, direct me, help me live the way You want me to. I give myself completely to You.
I give myself completely to God
Quiet yourself for a moment and consider how much do you really surrender yourself to God? Visualize God coming to you and saying, “Give your life completely to me.” What is your first feeling? Is it apprehension? Is it fear? Is it anger or mistrust? Be honest. God already knows. Tell Him about it. Tell Him how you feel and ask for His help. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you in such a way that you better understand Him and yourself. Spend a quiet moment with Him and when you are ready, by faith affirm, “I give myself completely to God.”