God’s Power

Today : God’s Power

“I relied only on the power of the Holy Spirit. I did this so you would trust not in human wisdom but in the power of God.” I Corinthians 2:4-5 (NLT)

We like to move toward balance. Homeostasis, a relatively stable state of equilibrium, seems to work in many systems. But sometimes that is not the best move. Balance is good if you want to have normalcy. But many times, if you want to reach worthwhile goals, you have to unbalance a few things. Does the professional athlete balance his or her practice time to other activities? No, they are consumed with their sport and devote many hours to that single pursuit. Soon or later, if you are going to excel at something, you must become a little unbalanced. Paul was trying to share Jesus with people groups that never heard of Christ before. He was starting churches from scratch and he learned that the spiritual life must not be balanced with worldly wisdom. There needs to be a radical dependence on God to do mighty things, if you are going to see His Kingdom come. Sure you need to ask for wisdom, but you also need spiritual power! You need to move in faith and hope in the spiritual realm, not logic and theory in the earthly. Today, what are you depending on God’s power for? What big hairy audacious goal are you trusting the Holy Spirit to accomplish in and through you? Paul trusted in the power of God, today do the same.  

Father, I must confess that many times conventional wisdom tells me to move in one direction, when I know I should trust You for greater things. Lord, I want my life to make a difference. I want to see Your kingdom come as a result of Your Holy Spirit’s guidance in my life. Lead me, use me, I pray.

I rely on the power of God
See yourself stuck in a situation. Feel the struggle, the frustration as you try to “fix” the situation. A desperation starts to fill your heart, then you remember, “try God!” You ray and God starts to move in a mighty way. Feel the relief. Sense His presence and His pleasure because you came to Him and trusted in Him for great things.