Today : His Presence
“You have endowed him with eternal blessings and given him the joy of your presence.” Psalms 21:6 (NLT)
Here we see King David writing a psalm about God’s blessing in his life. David felt blessed because God gave him the joy of being in His presence. Joy comes from deep bonded relationships, especially with God. That is why we were created. God desires our fellowship. He has endowed each of us with eternal blessings that come from the joy of His presence. But do we even pay attention to God? Much like a marriage, you can choose to enjoy each other’s company or you can keep busy ignoring each other’s companionship and wonder years later, why the love is gone. Today, choose to be conscious of the presence of God. Choose to stop and meditate on who He is and the infinite love He has for you. When you do, you will find true joy.
Father, make me conscious of Your presence. Help me to experience today, the deep joy of knowing You. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and fill my heart with Your love.
I live in the awareness of God
Picture yourself in the presence of God. Not passively but focused, attuned into God. Feel His love for you. Picture Him being happy with you, full of love for you. As you sense His presence become aware of the fact that He is aware of you. You are the object of His attention. He loves you and desires for you to fully know Him. Worship Him and thank Him for His presence. Affirm today that it is your desire to live in the awareness of His presence.