Lord, Do It Again!

Today : Lord, Do It Again!

“LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, LORD. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known.” Habakkuk 3:2 (NIV)

What is on your bucket list? Before you die, what do you want to see done? When I consider all that I would like to see, the thing that I long for the most is to see God work in all His power. Like Habakkuk, I stand in awe of God and all that He has done. I read the Bible and my heart cries out, Lord do it again in our day. I long for signs and wonders to be manifested to those that don’t believe. I long for revival to break out in the Church and see all of God’s people loving their neighbors like they do themselves. I pray that God would bring back the fervor of the New Testament church. I stand in awe of His deeds! I pray that God would renew them again in our day, in our time. Might He start a mighty work in our life and spread it out from there.

Oh Mighty God, I come in the name of Jesus and ask You to renew Your mighty deeds in our day. I stand in awe of You and all You have done and pray that You would do it again in this generation. Use me as an agent of your love and power I pray.

God is doing mighty things today
Close your eyes and think of God in all His power and might. Picture some of His mighty works. Imagine creation or the parting of the Red Sea. See Jesus healing a blind man or Paul praying for the young man who fell out of a window and died and the boy coming back to life! Muse on God’s power and then picture Him doing the same today. Think of all the mighty acts He could do in your world. Finish by praying, “Lord renew your mighty works in my day!”

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