Today : Love Others
“While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and ‘sinners’ came and ate with him and his disciples.” Matthew 9:10 (NIV)
So often we forget that God loves all of mankind. Jesus came and exemplified this. We get so caught up in our Churches, small groups and Bible studies that we can’t remember how to relate to everyday normal people. But Jesus expects us to be good neighbors. He desires that we share His love with those that don’t know what it is like. The Pharisees did not understand. They were offended that He ate with “sinners.” In response to their distain Jesus said, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do.” Then he added, “Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: ‘I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.’ For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.” There are people all around us in need. Broken hearts, addictions, depressed, lonely, angry, poor, hungry. Wonderful people needing someone to stop and show mercy and love. Someone to invite them in and eat with them. Someone to be their friend. God has called you and I to be that someone. Today let Jesus love someone through you. Look around and ask God who He wants you to befriend.
Father, thank You for Your mercy in my life. Help me go and give the same to others. Help me love others the way You do. Open my eyes to see those around me the way You do. Help me Lord to love like You do. In Jesus’ name.
I seek to love others the way Jesus did
Visualize yourself with Jesus. You watch Him love those around you and you don’t get it. There isn’t a connection. Compassion, concern, empathy all seems to be missing. You cry out to Jesus, “Help me see what you see.” He turns and asks you to shut your eyes. You shut them and He places His hand on your head. You feel a warmth flood your soul. He says, “Open your eyes.” When you do, you feel this wave of compassion come over you. You see those around you as dear cherished human beings. You sense the overwhelming love that God has. You begin to feel a burden and pray asking Jesus that He would show you what to do. Today as you refocus your vision of others, affirm, “I seek to love others the way Jesus did!”