Wait On The Lord

Today : Wait On The Lord

“Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.” Psalms 27:14 (NIV)

Sometimes you just have to wait. But it is so hard. I had planted a whole new batch of elephant ears and caladiums in a shady path I made in the woods behind my house. I watered them faithfully and after a couple weeks, I started to walk around to see if they were beginning to sprout. I couldn’t find any sign of life. Day after day, I looked and nothing. I was starting to become angry. I kept asking myself, “Why haven’t they broken ground yet?” Then anger turned to fear. “What if they were dead?” I thought. Finally one day, when I was walking the path to see if any of the plants had sprouted up, a thought occurred to me. “None of my looking was going to make the plant sprout one second sooner than God had planned.” I laughed and thought how much that was just like life. We don’t like to wait. We want what we want, and we want it now! But we refuse to realize that waiting is more than waiting. So often waiting is also becoming more understanding. Waiting is learning to be empathic. Waiting is gaining knowledge or building character. Waiting can often lead to situations where God gets all the Glory. The plants did come up, each in their own time. They were beautiful. Likewise, so will our lives, as we are strong, take heart and wait on the Lord.

Lord, I find it so hard to wait. I really want to trust You, but I need Your help. Help me today, Father, to be strong, to take heart and to wait on You. In Jesus’ name.

I will be strong, take heart and wait on God
Waiting can be so hard. Picture yourself really frustrated. You are tired and afraid and the waiting on God is starting to get to you. So you pray for the Lord’s strength. As you do, you begin to sense a deep peace come over you. Emotionally you begin to have hope. You experience a feeling that everything is going to work out. You are strengthened by God and affirm, “I will be strong, take heart and wait of God.”