Contentment For Today

Today : Contentment For Today

“I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:11-13 (NIV)

Dr. David Berceli in his book, The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process, writes about trauma: “It is not the events that hurt us, it is our reaction to the events.” He defines stress as the reaction to having things happen in our life that we don’t want happening. We try to avoid them or fight against them and this causes stress. He differentiates this from anxiety. He teaches that anxiety is when we don’t have what we want so rather than live in the “now” we complain, regret and then strive and connive about our future. Either way, we are ignoring the life lessons and opportunities God has for us in the now. By avoiding today with its problems, the stress and anxiety remain unresolved. We have not learned about God’s provision of grace and courage and so we become more vulnerable for the next bout of stress. As this is repeated we create a habit of discontentment and our stress rises to a toxic level. Paul faced his situation leaning on the love of God. He learned to trust God in the pain and gained the strength and mastery he needed to press on. He learned how to be content. Likewise, if we face our situations in life and embrace them, God will help us bounce back and gain more capacity for resilience. Paul said it this way, “I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” God promises you the same. Today, embrace this day and face your circumstances with faith, hope, and courage, believing that God will get you through.

Lord, You know how discontent I get. I complain about the situations I am in and constantly strive for a different future. Meanwhile, precious days go by. Help me to live today with full awareness of Your presence. Help me get everything You have for me today. Help me to be content in You, I pray. In Jesus’ name.

I have learned to be content
Go to a quiet, peaceful place in your imagination and invite God to meet you there. Sit and sense His presence. Picture His mighty power and His boundless love for you. As you relax, think about today. What are you feeling? Are you feeling anxious, angry or sad? As you sense your attitude, give it to God. Ask Him to bless today. Turn your thoughts toward being content today and living today to its fullness. Invite God to make you aware of His presence and to be your guide, giving you all the peace, joy and contentment you need for this day.

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