Grace And Blessings

Today : Grace And Blessings

“From his abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another. For the law was given through Moses, but God’s unfailing love and faithfulness came through Jesus Christ.” John 1:16-17 (NLT)

Every time I visit Southern California, I am overwhelmed by the amount of people I meet there that seem to be oblivious to the fact that they live in paradise. All around them are the mountains, sun and surf but they don’t see it. All they see is the everyday struggles of life. It is like that with God’s grace. We can get so bogged down with life that we don’t see all the grace that God has brought into our life. Not so with the Apostle John. Instead John starts out his Gospel with an overwhelming appreciation for the grace that God has for us. He writes that we have all received grace from God manifested in “one gracious blessing after another.” He introduces this manifesto of grace in contrast to the Law that was given through Moses. Moses gave us the law but Jesus gave us God’s grace. This grace was manifested in God’s unfailing love and faithfulness toward us through the death and resurrection of Christ. What about you? How is your life? Are experiencing God’s unfailing love? Are you aware of His many blessings? Do you appreciate His faithfulness toward you? Or have you been like the person walking a few miles from the beach, totally unaware of all its beauty and serenity? Today, stop and take the time to be conscious of God’s many blessings given to you. Rejoice in His wonderful grace and faithfulness.

Father, forgive me for taking Your love and faithfulness for granted. Thank You for Your unfailing love and grace toward me.

I thank God for all His blessings
Picture yourself receiving an invitation to come into the presence of God. As you enter into His court you see grace everywhere. You sense it’s loving aroma. You feel it’s substance. Boxes of blessings are stacked as high as you can see. God sees you and says, “Come receive your blessings of grace and love. I have more that you can ever imagine.” You bow in worship and thank Him for all He has for you.

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