Full Understanding

Today : Full Understanding

“May the Lord lead your hearts into a full understanding and expression of the love of God and the patient endurance that comes from Christ.” II Thessalonians 3:5 (NLT)

Do we understand our daily situations the way God does? Do we see through His eyes? In today’s passage Paul wrote, “May the Lord lead your hearts into a full understanding of the love of God.” This wasn’t just any understanding it is a “full” understanding. And it was more that understanding. It was an understanding that expresses itself in God’s love and patience. What an amazing treasure this would be. To have our hearts tuned into the beat of the Saviors. To be able to stand with God, fully understanding through Christ, the way of His love and patience. When you truly see the situations you are in through Christ’s eyes, He will lead you to His loving ways. It will always be about His love. This is turn will result in patient endurance. Today, let the Lord lead your heart into a full understanding and expression of God’s love and patience. Try to see the world you live and work in through His eyes. Let God’s vision and love permeate everything you do.

Father, give me spiritual vision. Help me see what You see today. Lead my heart into a full understanding and expression of Your love and patience so I can apply it to my life and those around me. In Jesus’ name.

God is helping me more fully understand and express His love and patience
Envision yourself struggling with daily situations. If there were no people you would be fine. You can feel the burden of so much drama. Sense the struggle you are having being more loving and patient. Invite Jesus to come and give you a better understanding of His love and patience. As you do, sense that He desires to synch your heart with His. Picture yourself walking throughout the day with more love, more patience. Sense His presence alive in your heart. Affirm that God is helping you more fully understand and express His love and patience.