Today : What Fruit Are You?
“By their fruit you will recognize them.” Matthew 7:20 (NLT)
Not all things are what they seem. Jesus once cursed a fig tree that gave the impression that it was bearing fruit, when in fact it was barren. There was something about “saying one thing” and “doing another” that really got to Jesus. Whether it was the Pharisees that posed as religious zealots but knew nothing of the righteousness God was interested in, or a false prophet that pretended to know what God wanted to say and led people down the wrong path. Jesus would rather be with a prostitute, tax collector or lepers that sincerely repented than those that had the pretence of faith. Jesus simply said it this way. “You can tell a tree by the fruit it produces.” Peach tree? Peaches. Apple tree? Apples. Christians? The fruit of the Spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Today, when people look at your life what fruit will they see?
Father, I pray that the Holy Spirit will bear His fruit in my life, so when people see me, they will glorify You.
The Holy Spirit produces His fruit in my life
See yourself in a beautiful garden. There is plenty of sunshine, healthy rains and good soil. As you walk through the garden you see all the many exotic plants. Then you come to a special place, the fruit of the Spirit garden. As you walk in you can feel your soul respond to God’s love. It is a good place. As you spend time with God in the garden you experience the different fruit growing in you. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness faithfulness, gentleness and self-control all begin to mature and influence your life. You affirm, “The Holy Spirit produces His fruit in my life.”