
Today : Unity

“I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” John 17:23 (NIV)

Unity is supposed to be the trademark of the Church. It is our community, love and fellowship for all believers is what should draw people to Christ. This was Jesus’ desire. He prayed that we would be one like He and His Father were one. He said, “May they (that’s the church) be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” What changes could we make in our own corner of the world, if each church would work together to meet the needs of those around us? We have so much in common. We have the Bible, God the Father, Jesus His son and the Holy Spirit. We have similar thoughts, feelings, and objectives too, but we never are intentional about reaching out. Instead we create our “Country Clubs Churches” where similarity, status and exclusiveness are our trademarks. How many churches never wander beyond their own denominational boundaries? We need to work together with other Christians and make a bigger impact. This would send a tremendous message to the world. And the church needs this kind of diverse yet unified message if we are going to reach the world. Today, may Jesus’ prayer be ours. “May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”

Father, I confess that I have not reached out to other churches in love. I have not fellowshipped with other believers. I have not been active in pursuing relationships with those from different backgrounds as mine. Forgive me for not seeking unity. Help me to strive to bring Your message of love to the world through a unified church.

I am reaching out beyond my own circle
Today visualize the larger church. See yourself amongst a diverse group of people. People from all races and backgrounds each being deeply loved by God. Sense an excitement as you walk through the crowd and meet people different from you, yet the same. Feel the camaraderie, the common bond and purpose you have with them. You begin to see God’s plan and feel a joy as you fellowship and share with each other. Sense a renewed vision for the church and affirm, “I am reaching out beyond my own circle.”