God Is My Helper

Today : God Is My Helper

So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” Hebrews 13:6 (NIV)

Have you ever said anything with confidence? It is different than saying “I think so,” “Perhaps,” “Maybe” or “We’ll see.” Confidence connotes a certainty, an assurance that what we believe is true. Because we believe in a God that will never forsake us, a heavenly Father who will never abandon us, we can have confidence that this same God is our helper, our strength, our shield, our shelter in the storm, our rock of ages, our mighty fortress, our protector, our hope, our Savior. Yes, we can say with confidence, “Today, I will not be afraid!”

Thank You, Mighty God, that You have chosen to be my helper. You have reached down to me and have assured me that You care, that You will always have my soul in Your hand. I thank You with a confidence in my heart that what You say is true and every thought, fear, apprehension and doubt that stands against this confidence is a lie. I accept Your help today. I will trust You and not be afraid. In Jesus’ name.

God is my helper! I will not be afraid.
You are on a boat and it begins to rock. It is going side to side. Water starts to flood the boat. The waves are taller, the wind is fierce and you begin to fear for your life. Then Jesus comes and says, “Peace, be still” and the waves stop. The clouds go away and the boat is still. You sense such a relief and suddenly you notice, all fear is gone. Likewise see Jesus alive and helping you in all your circumstances. See Him bringing you peace over and over again. Affirm, “God is my helper, I will not be afraid!”