Be A Messenger of Encouragement

Today : Be A Messenger of Encouragement

Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. Ephesians 4:29 (NLT)

What a wonderful calling. What a tremendous privilege is ours. God has called us to be an encourager. Encouragement. It can change a person’s life; alter the destiny of families. Nations can rise and fall – alright, maybe not that dramatic, but who can deny the power of encouragement? How many of us have been overwhelmed, about ready to give up and someone stopped and in a loving moment, poured encouragement all over us? Is there anything more refreshing? God loves the whole world and He has chosen you and I to be His messenger of encouragement. Might He lead us to someone in need of encouragement today.

Dear Father, I thank You for all the times You have sent encouragement my way. I pray that today You might help me be an encourager to someone who so desperately needs it. Give me eyes to see people the way You do and to say things that are good and helpful so that my words might be an encouragement to those who hear them. In Jesus’ name.

I will encourage others
Remember a time when you were upset and someone encouraged you. Feel the ache in your heart, the pit in the bottom of your stomach. Sence the change as you were encouraged. Feel the relief. See yourself return to joy from a painful emotion. Now picture yourself encouraging someone else. See the change in their face as you bring them peace and joy. Feel the influence of the Holy Spirit as He flows through you to minister to that person. Today affirm, “I will encourage others!”