Today : Light Up My Darkness
“You light a lamp for me. The LORD, my God, lights up my darkness.” Psalms 18:28 (NLT)
Darkness is the absence of light. Life can be that way. It is unpredictable and messy. Everyone of us has drama in our life. We all have a story. We all have times when there is the absence of any light and we are simply left in the dark, wondering what to do. David experienced this. He had his difficulties, but instead of staying in the dark, he turned to God for help. He cried out to God and God became his light. He wrote, “You light a lamp for me. The LORD, my God, lights up my darkness.” Today, if things become unclear, if you are bombarded with problems, or if dark clouds start to clutter up your sky, turn to God. He will light your path.
Father, thank You for being a light in my life. Whenever I have been left in the dark Your light has been right there. Thank You for being a lamp for my path showing me where to go. Guide me today I pray.
God shines light into my darkness
It is not hard to picture darkness. Sit for a moment and let yourself see a deep dark cave of blackness. After a moment, look at the distance and see a little light. The light begins to approach and gets bigger and bigger. Soon the light is permeating the whole room until there is no more darkness. Visualize God doing the same to your day. As you go on your journey see God with you, casting light on the different shades of gray in your life. Sense the joy in your heart as you can see life clearer and feel the radiance of His light fill your soul with peace.