Work Toward Peace

Today : Work Toward Peace

“Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.” Ephesians 4:2-3 (NLT)

Everyone wants peace but so few are willing to work on it. Paul writes out a formula for peace that if practiced, would revolutionize the church. First, he asks us to be humble and gentle. It is amazing how much hurt can be dished out under the guise of humility. So Paul adds to be gentle. He continues by writing that we should be patient making allowances for each other’s faults. But how can we do this? He says we do it out of love. Remember, love covers a multitude of sins. Finally, if peace is our real goal, then we need to make every effort to keep ourselves united in the Spirit. To Paul, peace was not an option, but a reality to be insisted on. How hard do you work for peace at home, church or work? What if everyone did?

Dear Prince of Peace, please forgive me. I have not made peace my desire. I would rather be right. I would rather be in control. I would rather fight for my self interests. I have such a hard time trusting you. Forgive me. Please help me follow You and Your commitment to peace.

I desire to be at peace with others
Picture yourself living at peace with others. Feel how wonderful it is. Sense your body relax and joy start to bubble up inside of you. Experience the deep pleasure of being humble, gentle and patience. Affirm that you desire to be at peace with others.