It’s Your Choice

Today : It’s Your Choice

“Choose today whom you will serve – but as for me and my family, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:15 (NLT)

Choices. Everyday we are called upon to make choices. Some insignificant, some with heavy consequences. There are some choices in life that lead us down certain paths. Marriage, vocation and other major choices all have ramifications on our future. But even the major choices are made up of thousands of other choices. It is the everyday choices we make that determine how we live out the marriage, vocation or our other major selections in life. That is why, what you choose today is so important. You may have started down a path and strayed off. Today you can choose to turn around. You may have habitual choices that have been negative. Today you can choose to go another direction. You have the power to choose. You can choose to love. Likewise, happiness is a choice. God is constantly calling out to us, “Choose me.” God and our choice, what a powerful combination. Choose today whom you will serve; for not to choose, is to choose already.

Dear God, please help me. I admit I haven’t always chosen wisely. Give me wisdom, discernment and self discipline to make the right choices today. Most of all today, Dear Lord, I choose You. I choose to love You and live for You. In Jesus’ name.

I choose to serve Jesus
Picture yourself on the top of  a mountain looking down into the valley below. From where you stand there are many roads leading down the mountain. On one road in the distance you can see Jesus. He is waving and saying. “Come follow me. Choose this path.” Focus on His love for you. Sense His presence and His deep care for you. Spend a moment considering whether or not you want Him to be Lord of your life. When you are ready, say out loud, as a prayer, “I choose to serve You, Jesus.”

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