
Today : Encouragement

“Jonathan went to find David and encouraged him to stay strong in his faith in God.” I Samuel 23:16 (NLT)

Who do you encourage? What a friend Jonathon was. The scriptures record that David and Jonathan were like brothers and how time and time again Jonathan proved it. Jonathon helped David escape from his father, King Saul, at the risk of his own death. And now again, while David is being hunted by King Saul, Jonathan takes another risk and goes and finds David. Why? To encourage him. Both David and Jonathan knew that David was God’s anointed and instead of complaining, lived by faith, waiting for God’s plan to come into fruition. And with that waiting came Jonathan’s love and support, encouraging David to stay strong in his faith in God. David, instead of living in a palace, was content to live in caves, hiding until God’s timing was right. What David was in faith and trust in God, Jonathan was in love and encouragement. It took both to make David’s journey possible. Today there is someone you know barely hanging on. Someone living in their own emotional cave, running from the struggles of life. They need your encouragement and friendship. Might God help you be a friend like Jonathan.

Father, help me be an encourager. Help me be there for those that need my help. Help me help others the way You have helped me.

I encourage others the way God encourages me
Think of a time when you were encouraged by your circumstances. Remember what it felt like to be in need. Feel the desperation and discouragement. But God showed up. You could sense the fingers of God in control of your circumstances and hope and joy began to flood your soul. Breathe and let your body remember the sensation of being encouraged. Now picture someone else in need. Feel God calling you to help. See yourself going to them and helping them return to peace and joy. Take what you felt when encouraged and sense them feeling the same. Feel the satisfaction knowing you helped someone else. Say out loud, “I encourage others the way God encourages me.”

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