Honest With God

Today : Honest With God

“Pay attention to my prayer, because I speak the truth.” Psalms 17:1 (NCV)

You would think being honest with God would be natural, but it isn’t. It’s not that we tell God some big fat lie. It is more like we omit the truth. We pray, “Lord, help me, I need money to pay my bills.” Perhaps a more honest prayer would be, “Lord, please show me where I can be better at my finances.” We pray that God would help us with a negative relationship, when we should be praying for our own behavior and attitude toward the person. We ask God to forgive our sins, but not the wisdom and discipline to change our behavior. Perhaps we would be better off starting our prayers with, “Lord, what do You want me to pray about?” and then wait to see what God challenges us with. The Holy Spirit will help us know what to pray. But this kind of honest, life changing prayer only comes from a sincere relationship with God. As we spend more time with Him, He will show us how to pray in an open, honest and fresh way.

Father, teach me to pray. Reveal to me, through the Holy Spirit, what I should pray. I want to be honest and open with nothing between us. Led me in the truth I pray.

I come honestly to God in prayer
Focus on being real with God. See yourself coming to God without your mask. You sit before Him without pretense, without the need to perform or be something you are not. As you sit you sense that God is pleased with your attitude and you feel His acceptance and deep love for you. A trust fills your heart and you affirm, “ I can come honestly to God in prayer.”