Today : Remember
“But they soon forgot what he had done and did not wait for his counsel.” Psalms 106:13 (NIV)
There is a difference between a memory lapse and apathy. We can be sincere about something and forget a few details. However, if we show failure to show up, to be involved or care for details over and over again, then our sincerity is in doubt. It starts out with other things choking out passion, emotion, or excitement and leads into a lack of interest in or concern for things of God. We see that the people of God allowed themselves to forget what God had done in the past. The lessons of faith that they should have incorporated into their life were never cultivated. It wasn’t long and they began to live as if God didn’t exist at all. What can we do to protect our soul from this spiritual apathy? How can we is to take deliberate steps in order preserve our Christian walk? The author of Psalms 119 shares how. He writes, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” The reason he did not sin against God was because he hid God’s word deep in his heart. The “word” of God not only contained the law, it also contained stories, stories that revealed God’s character and His great love for us. It is your remembrance of His promises, the recalling the many miracles you have witnessed, the active reading the scriptures and spending time with God seeking His counsel that will keep you from falling. These spiritual disciplines will protect you when facing temptation. They will be your guide when you have hard decisions to make. May the remembrance of all He has done for you, give you the confidence you need to continue to follow Him.
Father, help me to remember all You have done for me. Help me read Your word and plant it deep into my heart so it will guide me as I go through my day. I pray this in Jesus’ name.
I will remember what God has done for me
Stop and meditate on all God has done for you. See God creating you and bringing you into this world. Think of all the ways God has provided for you. Meditate on all the provisions that God has gladly given you. Reflect on the abilities you have. All of the blessings you have received. Let your heart sense how good God has been toward you. You are blessed. Today affirm, “I will remember what God has done for me.”