Today : Be Filled With The Holy Spirit
“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.” Ephesians 5:15-18 (NIV)
What do you really know about the Holy Spirit? We can go to church for years, go to Bible studies and small groups and yet never really learn much about the Spirit and it’s relevance to our life. Sure we know we have been given the Holy Spirit but we never take advantage of the relationship that we could have with the Holy Spirit. But we cannot afford to be passive any longer. We were not meant to function without the aid of the Holy Spirit. Paul says we should be “filled” with the Holy Spirit. What does this mean? The key is in the comparison to being drunk on wine. There is only one way to get drunk. You get drunk by being “filled” with alcohol until the amount that you consume has you under its influence. This is not a casual drink that is in moderation. This is in excess to where you become drunk. So what is he saying about our life in the Spirit? Paul is saying that we should have the same insatiable appetite for the guidance and fellowship of the Holy Spirit that a person does that chooses to get drunk on wine. When we meditate on God’s word, pray and commune with the Holy Spirit, we will begin to be “filled” or “under the influence” of the Holy Spirit’s leading in our daily living. It is interesting, however, that the tense is not a “one time” filling, but actually means “be filled and keep on being filled.” You do not get drunk on wine once for the rest of your life. The effect of the wine soon dissipates. To continually be drunk you have to continually drink the wine. Although the Holy Spirit does not leave us, in order to stay “filled” or influenced by the Holy Spirit, we need to continually stay in communication and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Isn’t it time that we experience all that being filled with the Spirit has to offer us?
Dear Holy Spirit, please forgive me for ignoring Your presence in my life. I ask You to guide me, lead me, commune with me and to fill me so that I am completely influenced by Your presence. I invite You to take control of my life. In Jesus’ name.
I am under the influence of the Holy Spirit
Perhaps if we meditate on the Holy Spirit we will be more open to the reality of being filled with the Spirit. God is a Spirit and so He shares with us His own Spirit. It is our Holy God’s Spirit. Picture yourself before God. He desires for you to live for Him. He wants you to live a deeply devoted life for Him. Visualize God giving you the Holy Spirit when you became His child. Sense the Holy Spirit influencing you, motivating, teaching, guiding and directing you. Feel the Holy Spirit assuring you of God’s deep love for you. Visualize Him in control of your life educating you, protecting you and interceding for you. Acknowledge His presence and affirm, “I am under the influence of the Holy Spirit.”