Christ’s Ambassador

Today : Christ’s Ambassador

“For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And He gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, ‘Come back to God!”’ II Corinthians 5:19-20 (NLT)

Christ has given us a task of reconciling people back to God. It is sharing with others that when they become born again, God no longer will count their sins against them. Paul says it beautifully in today’s verse. He writes, “We are Christ’s ambassadors, with God making His appeal to mankind through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” But here is the catch. We need to say it in a heavenly language. It is a language of love. We feel if we just tell people that God loves them that they will get it. If we can just out maneuver them intellectually, convincing them that God is their logical choice, that it will all make sense to them. No, the kind of response that God stirs in a heart is emotional. It is emotionally knowing that converts the soul. As we love those we come in contact with, loving them with the love of Christ, they can begin to really believe in their heart that God will no longer count their sins against them. As we are empathic and loving unconditionally, they will hear our Heavenly Father saying to them, “Come back!” This is more than head knowledge. It is a real loving relationship that their weary soul is coming back to. May Christ help us become His ambassadors of love.

Father, help me share Your message of reconciliation with others. Not just with my words but with my actions. Might I represent You with real love so others may respond to Your appeal to “Come back to You.”

I am Christ’s Ambassador
Visualize yourself living for Christ. You are His ambassador of love and He wants you to share His message of love and forgiveness with others. Picture you being kind and loving to a neighbor. See yourself praying for them, asking God to help you share His love with them. Sense their openness to God as you love them and are a good neighbor. See yourself having an opportunity to share with them. Because of your love, they respond to the God that you are serving. They want what you have. Sense the joy and the peace as they receive Christ as their Lord and Savior. Feel the joy in your heart as you know you allowed God to love them through you. Affirm out loud, “I am Christ’s Ambassador.”