
Today : Offering

“Accept my prayer as incense offered to you, and my upraised hands as an evening offering.” Psalms 141:2 (NLT)

There are many things you can do with your life. You have skills, knowledge and experiences that afford you many different and unique occupational opportunities. However, there is one vocation that God has put in the heart of all who follow Him. It does not require skill, special knowledge, certain aptitudes or pedigree. It only requires a heart that loves God. He has called you to be a Priest. You have been given the sacred privilege to come before God in humble adoration. Dressed in a robe, cleansed by the blood of Jesus Himself, you stand before God forgiven and accepted as His child. There you are before God, your prayers received by Him as an incense offering, bringing Him extreme pleasure. As you praise Him, your hands reach up to Him in a Holy embrace, received as an offering of love and praise. There is nothing God desires more. No offering has ever been so precious to God as your adoration, praise and prayers. Come today as God’s Priest and offer Him your love. Come into His presence, love Him, talk to Him, adore Him – it is your sacred privilege.

Father, I come before You now with a humble heart. Hear my prayers. Receive them as a scared offering. I life up my hands to You in love and adoration. Please accept my praise as a Holy offering to You in all Your majesty. I worship You today as my Lord and my God.

Worshipping God is my sacred privilege
Visualize yourself before God as a priest or priestess. He has called you to come and worship Him. You humbly stand before Him wearing a Holy robe He has given you. You wave the incense of your forgiveness and its aroma sooths your soul. You sense His love for you. You know that His salvation is real and you affirm, “worshipping God is my sacred privilege!”

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