Today : The Joy Of His Presence
“You have given him the joy of being in your presence.” Psalms 21:6 (NLT)
What a gift. God has actually put the capacity to experience His presence in us. Like an antenna picks up the signal sent to it, God has put His Holy Spirit within us, enabling us to experience Him. But an antenna is of no value, if there isn’t a signal. You see, this passage is more about God than us. It is God that sends His presence out to us. It is God that desires our fellowship. It is His grace that causes Him to seek us out. Does that grab you? Let me say it again. The God of the universe not only allows us an audience with Him, He comes to us and seeks us out! And even more, when we respond, we will receive what David did. God will give us the joy of being in His presence.
Father, thank You for seeking me out. Thank You for inviting me to experience Your presence. I pray for more Father. I pray that I may experience the deep joy that you offer from being in Your presence.
I experience the joy of being in God’s presence
Quiet your mind. Visualize yourself in a peaceful place and let yourself relax. Let go of chatter in your mind and ask God to help you experience His presence. Sit patiently meditating on His great love. Invite God to come and reveal His love to your heart. Think of His peace. Let His presence fill your heart with peace. As you meditate on Him, let His presence fill you with joy.