What Have You Asked For?

Today : What Have You Asked For?

“You do not have, because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.” James 4:2-3 (NIV)

I’m not sure which is sadder:  a person who never gets a chance to have what he or she desires or a person who had all the chances in the world and never took one? Here we are, a child of  God. God who is all wise, all powerful and all loving, and yet we do not ask Him for good things?  Jesus said, “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” Jesus is not talking about a magic lamp that we rub three times and make wishes for our own pleasure. James reminds us that we are not to ask God for anything with wrong motives. Instead, He is suggesting that we should focus on a fellowship with His Father which is so rich and deep, that we end up aligning our will with God the Father’s will. So when we know God’s will, it will bring us joy and great pleasure to ask God for it. We will be about the business of making His will done on earth as it is in Heaven. What at home, work or in your church can you ask God for? What can you ask for your family, friends and co-workers that would be in alignment with His will? Pray that God would give you insight into His will and a Holy boldness to ask for it. When you do, you will receive and your joy will be complete.

Dear Father, I ask You to help me know what to pray for. Help me to know Your will for my life and for my family. Help me to know how to pray for my friends and co-workers. Help me pray about my relationships, career and ministry. Speak to my heart and then give me the faith to ask. Help me not to be like the person who had so many chances in life but never took one. Help me to ask You for something special today! In Jesus’ name.

I partner with God in prayer
Picture yourself coming to a Holy place for prayer. You sense the Spirit of God there. You quiet yourself and begin to worship Him. Soon you ask God to show you what to pray for. You feel a oneness with God as He brings to your mind different requests. As you pray for these, you feel more like you are praying with God. A love comes over you. A peace follows as your faith increases. Joy then comes as you know you are praying according to God’s will. As you pray for great things, trusting Him for the answers, you affirm, “I partner with God in prayer.”