Today : He Will Intercede
“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.” Romans 8:26 (NIV)
Have you ever had anyone intercede for you? Sometimes when you are in situation and because of the circumstances, someone else is a better choice to represent your needs. Perhaps a lawyer, customer service representative, a trusted friend or medical professional? When they are qualified and earnest, it is a beautiful thing to watch. When they are inept or insincere, watch out! Now here we are, trying to live our life, one person amongst billions of others. We have great needs but who will help us? Who can understand our plight? Who would care enough for us to do something? More than caring, who would have the power to effect any change? Thank God the Father for His Holy Spirit who intercedes for our weaknesses and needs in this life. Even when we don’t know how to pray, the Holy Spirit passionately groans and pleads our case to God the Father. What compassion, what mercy. Even now come to God the Father with your hidden secrets, your most perplexing problems, your most heinous sins. The Holy Spirit will intercede for you, and when He does, He will bring peace and deep joy to your heart.
Dear Father, I come to You just as I am, desperate and needy for Your touch. I need Your help. You know my situation. I need Your Holy Spirit to intercede for me with groans that I cannot even utter. Holy Spirit, guide me, direct me, fill me with Your peace and power. I pray this in the name of Jesus.
The loving Holy Spirit helps me in my weaknesses
Visualize yourself in much difficulty. You are in distress. You feel anxious, tired, confused and frustrated. At the same time see the Holy Spirit coming to God the Father on your behalf. You watch and are amazed at His sensitivity to your needs. His earnestness and compassion are overwhelming. As you listen, you sense a real peace and a deep feeling that you are loved. Without holding back, the Holy Spirit pleads on your behalf. Joy fills your heart as you know that you are loved and cared for. You affirm, “The loving Holy Spirit helps me in my weaknesses.”