Today : Our Real Purpose
“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)
Some people search a lifetime for a purpose. Why am I here? Where can I find meaning? We look for this bigger than life significance and we can’t find it. We search for something that will fill this hollow feeling inside. There is a craving in our soul that we can’t satisfy, a thirst that we cannot quench. It’s like the song says, “we are looking for love in all the wrong places.” All the while the Bible gives a very fundamental answer to the secret of life satisfaction. Paul sums up our purpose in one simple verse. You and I will never be happy, never feel fulfilled until we figure out what Paul is saying. He says that you and I are the workmanship of God. A specific, personally made, creation by almighty God Himself. More than that, we were created for this one simple thing, to do good works! That’s it. Our meaning, purpose, life satisfaction comes from living for God, from loving in His name, from doing good because He created us specifically to do good. What joy, what purpose, what meaning to know that we are hand picked agents of God’s good in this world. Do you believe this? Are you living this? If not, you can start today!
Dear God, help me to fully understand what it means to be Your workmanship, created for good works. Help me to comprehend that You really know me, love me deeply and have specifically called me to be Your representative in this world. Thank You for such a glorious calling. In Jesus’ name.
God has created me for good works
Picture yourself looking for purpose. You are striving trying to figure out why you are on this earth. You can feel the frustration, the emptiness, the insignificance creeping into your mind and soul. But then, Jesus reminds you that you were created to serve God just like He did. You feel the love of God nudge you. You soul awakens and takes a deep breath. You are full of joy at the realization that specifically created by God to do good works. You are at peace and full of purpose.