Today : Core Beliefs
“And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 (NLT)
Does it seem hard to believe some of the Scriptures? We read today’s passage and if we listen closely, we can hear an inner dialog start to deny whether it is true or not. It may be, “Why should God help me?” “God didn’t help me last time.” It could be a muffle sound from a deeper level saying, “I don’t deserve His help.” “It will never work out.” These are lies that keep us from believing the truth of God’s love for us. I wish I could simply say, “Hey, stop believing a lie and believe the truth” and everything will work out. But it isn’t that easy. You see, lies often serve a purpose and until the need for the lie is taken care of, we will keep lying to ourself. If I am hurting because of a trauma I experienced, then simply pointing out the lies I believe will not change anything. I need Jesus to tell me the truth about the trauma, more specifically, about me during the trauma. He needs to help me hear the truth, then I will be free to destroy the lie. We need to feel our doubts and pain and ask, “What happened that makes me feel this way?” We need to let our mind go to those moments when we first experienced the pain and ask ourself, “What lies did I believe when it happened?” Then we can bring those lies to God and ask Him for the truth. The truth will set you free. Free to believe.
Father, I am often hampered by lies I choose to believe instead of believing Your word. I have wounds, hurts, scars that have left me believing the wrong things. I need you to heal me. Lord, come visit my pain. Speak truth to my heart. Heal me. Set me free to believe the truth of Your love for me. I pray in Jesus’ name.
I bring my negative core beliefs to God
Today think of the different trauma in your life. What do you believe about yourself as a result of the trauma? Think about it. What beliefs do you have about your “essence”? What are your core beliefs? Picture Jesus coming to you, you are sitting there and really feel a deep core belief about yourself that isn’t true. Feel the weight of it. Feel the heaviness of your emotion. Jesus sees you and comes and tells you the truth about yourself. He shares how He sees you and loves you. Feel the relief. Feel the joy as He sets you free. Affirm that you will begin to bring your negative core beliefs to God.