Today : Perfect Peace
“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!” Isaiah 26:3 (NLT)
Perfect peace. I have a hard time comprehending that. Perfect peace. I take a deep relaxing breath just thinking about it. That is what God is promising us if we trust in Him. Why? Because He is trustworthy! He can be trusted. But trusting is more than just saying we trust Him. Isaiah qualifies the kind of trust we need to have perfect peace. It is the trust that keeps our thoughts fixed on God. Fixed on His love. Fixed on His compassion. Fixed on His grace. Fixed on His provision. Fixed on His promises. Fixed on His almighty power. Today, let’s experience that perfect peace. We can start right now by fixing our thoughts on Him and keeping them there throughout the day.
Dear Lord, I desire Your perfect peace! Please help me trust in You by focusing my attention on You and all that You will provide to get me through this day. Please, Lord, when my thoughts wander and peace starts to flee, nudge me and help me to refocus on You again. Thank You. In Jesus’ Name.
I will focus on God with all my heart
Take a deep breath and see yourself alone with all the time in the world. No deadlines, no pressures, no responsibilities. You have the time so you begin to focus on God. You let Him fill your mind. You think of His love, His peace, His purposes for you. You begin to see His power, His might, His infiniteness. As you think on Him you begin to sense a peace and joy. You sense His love for you and you want more. You want more of God so you focus on Him again. Today let this be a taste. Let this be the beginning of focused attention on God.