He Gives Me Strength

Today : He Gives Me Strength

“He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:29-31 (NLT)

We live in a stressful world. Physical labor is tiring, but what really weakens me is the stress of everyday living. Have you ever felt that way? You come home and your energy is gone? You are not sure which way is up? You seem overwhelmed and start to fear and doubt? Stress can drop you to your knees. Financial, emotional, relational and physical stress weakens your body, soul and spirit. The good news is that God has given you everything you need to renew yourself and keep going. Isaiah says that God gives power and strength. You will find this when you trust in the Lord. When you put your life into His hand, He is more than able to give you all the strength you will need. When you trust in Him, He will renew your strength. God promises that you will be able to run and yet not get weary. You will walk and not faint. God is faithful, loving and all powerful, He will give you strength.    

Father, You know how weary I can get. You know how hard it is to keep going. I cry out to You today and ask You to give me all the strength I need to combat the stress I experience. Give me all the power I need to overcome the obstacles I face. Please give me all the faith I need to trust You with the details of my life. Thank You, Lord for Your wonderful provision.

The Lord gives me strength to overcome stress
As you quiet your heart, gather up the stress you have in your life. Visualize yourself putting it in a box. See God inviting you to come to Him and leave your stress with Him. Sense His compassion, His earnestness as He waits for you to come. As you approach God, empty your box before Him. All your stress, all your worries, all your apprehension – leave it there. As you do, see God reach out and touch you. Feel His energy flood your soul. Feel His strength invade your presence. Rise and thank Him and go in the new strength He has given you.

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