Waiting Quietly, Trusting In God

Today : Waiting Quietly, Trusting In God

“I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken. – O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge.” Psalms 62:1-2,8 (NLT)

How do you wait? I have to admit, I do not always wait with patience. I do not always wait with faith. Often, when I have to wait, anger, worry, and fear are my companions. Not far behind are murmuring and complaining waiting to have their say. Why is that? Why is waiting so hard? It is because I forget that it is God I am waiting on. Worse, I behave as if He doesn’t really exist. David was different. He said that he waited quietly before God. Why? Because, if David was going to be victorious, he knew it would be because of God. God was his rock, salvation, fortress and refuge. David knew the peace that came from trusting God and he implores us to do the same. He says, “Trust in God at all times. Pour out our heart to Him.” What a difference this will make. As we pour out our concerns, worries, fears, doubts, all that is on our heart to God, He will reassure us. He will guide us. He will give us the peace we need. Today when the pressure is on, when you are under the gun and you have to wait, try waiting quietly on God. He will be your rock, He will give you the victory.

Father, forgive me for my impatience. Forgive me to leaving You out of my life. Help me to remember that You love me and care about the details of my life. Today help me, as I wait patiently on You.

I wait on God, trusting completely in Him
Close your eyes and go to a peaceful place in your imagination. Sense your body relaxing. Now visualize yourself before God. Sensing you can trust Him, make a deliberate choice to wait on Him and put all your trust in Him. Feel the peace of God fill you as you trust in Him. Sense deep in your heart how trusting Him and waiting on Him in faith is the right thing to do. Breath in a deep joy as you know that God loves you, watches over you and provides for your every need. Today, trust in Him.

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