Your Source Of Joy

Today : Your Source Of Joy

“There I will go to the altar of God, to God—the source of all my joy.” Psalms 43:4 (NLT)

Joy is the great equalizer. It is what our soul strives for, that spiritual homeostasis that keeps life in balance. But joy isn’t something we can conjure up by ourself. Deep, rich joy comes from a loving relationship with God. When we find ourself out of sorts, when our emotions seem to be at the edge, it is our relationship with God and the deep affirmations that He gives to us, that bring us back. The Psalmist knew where his joy came from. That is why he wrote that he went to the altar of God and through praise, worship and prayers, he found the source of all his joy. Jesus knew this too. When people came to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?” He replied, “You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.” Yes, Jesus said that because it was the right moral choice; but I believe He also knew that it was the best solution to all that bothers us as human beings. He knew that our heart, mind and soul is the true altar of God. Indeed, knowing God in deep and intimate ways is our true source of joy.

Dear Father, how I long to know You in deep and personal ways. Help me worship You at the altar of my heart, mind and soul, so I can know You as the true source of all my joy. 

God is the true source of all my joy
Come today and focus on your internal place of worship, a place where you come before God and love Him with all your, “heart, mind and soul.” As you invite God to make His presence known to you, give Him any painful emotions that you are experiencing and let Him help you return to joy.

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