Humble Before God

Today : Humble Before God

“Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens? Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket, or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance? Who has understood the mind of the LORD, or instructed him as his counselor?” Isaiah 40:12-13 (NIV)

We can get so haughty before God. We complain, second guess, doubt, question and offer God suggestions on how to rule our little part of the world. We are so finite and yet we come against the infinite and throw our intellect in His face. Who are we that we think we can advise God? This is the question Isaiah is forced to ask the children of God. Children of God? You would think that they would know better. Who better to know the mighty power of God? Who better to know God’s infinite wisdom? Who better to know the unfathomable love of the Father’s love? But, who better to take God for granted? And that is what they did. Sadly, that is what we do too. Are we not His children? How often have we raised our fist to God? How often we have doubted His word? Who are we that we think God needs to check in with us before He does something? Who are we that we think He needs us to tell Him what to do? And yet, though we get proud and rebellious, God still loves us. God still calls us His children longing to fellowship with us. He is waiting to have us participate with Him in living out our lives.

Father, forgive me for my pride and arrogance. I have so often raised my fist to You. Forgive me Lord. I cannot begin to fathom You in all Your majesty. I cannot understand all Your wisdom or power. Who Am I that You would allow me to be Your child? And yet I am! How I praise You. Please help me live for You today. In Jesus Name.

I humble myself before my God
Today meditate on God’s patience toward you. He has not punished you according to your sins. He has not banished you because of rebellion. See Him waiting for you to come to Him with a humble heart. See Him longing for you the creation to come to Him the creator in love and humility. Come now, worship Him. Humble yourself and adore Him for all He is and has done. Enjoy His presence.